Saturday, February 4, 2012

Satyam Shivam Sundaram

Serenity stays on lips while emotions play in eyes
A warm hand to hold and a sweet smile to assure
The moment silence envelopes, nerves sing their lines
Yearning for more, when your soul roars, redefining the core
Away you get carried, breaking the shackles riding the waves
Magnificently pristine the ultimate truth your heart craves

Sacred is the feeling when your heart is filled with love
Healing the wounds, bathing the soul, clearing the conscience
Immersing in to eternal bliss, entwining like one you move
Veracity would flow through, floating you in a sea of peace
Apex of pleasure, void of thoughts, the moment of realization
Moving you to tears, as you give up yourself in adoration

Soothing the wild waves as you travel the path of pleasure
Under the currents of power when you let out your feelings
Neither the mundane nor the cosmic plans even matter
Driving you, a force uncontrollable, a powerful steering
Alluring you to its haven, while you keep wondering at its divinity
Releasing you from the invincible chains of logic
Amazing is the entity of it, a truth, a power, a beauty
More you have the more you need, all those moments of magic!

An attempt at acrostic poetry. Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title.
Please do let me know your views on it!

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